Friday, August 15, 2014

See ya second semester, hello third :)

I've officially completed my first year of veterinary school. I can't believe how fast the time has gone! No one was kidding when they said second semester is the worst semester of all. I'm not going to lie, it was the most intense semester I've ever had to go through in college. But I made it through and it wasn't impossible, just very challenging. I'm looking forward to third semester and having more time to catch up on life or anything for that matter outside of school. I feel like the last 4 months were nothing but a blur and all the days just blended together. It will be nice to have time to catch up with everyone from home and maybe actually see the sun for once...I know, that is possible down here. For now, my days will be spent at the beach somewhere on this island, relaxing, and without any plans so we'll see what kind of adventures i'll get myself into.
In April 2015 I will be traveling to Belize to participate in a Wildlife Conservation and Rehabilitation Course with fellow students in my class. I'm beyond excited to participate in this educational experience. I will be volunteering my time to the Belize Wildlife and Referral Clinic which is a non-profit animal hospital so any help from volunteers or the money they raise goes directly to helping and supporting local animals and wildlife in need. I'll have clinic days working hands on with current patients in the hospital and they could range from wildlife mammals (including primates), to reptiles, birds, and amphibians. I'll also get to participate in interactive labs where I'll get to assess radio graphs, perform necropsy's, blood work, or screen patients for parasites. Each student will also participate in the spay and neuter days practicing our surgery skills which is a huge aspect working towards our veterinary degree. This program helps to maintain the wildlife in Belize and since it is a non-profit organization I have started a campaign to help raise funds to support not only every patient that comes in to the clinic, or any patient that needs assistance out on the field, but it also helps support the people working to help rehabilitate the wildlife of Belize. I would be more than grateful to raise my goal amount or any amount beyond that. I'm very passionate about working with people who share the same love for animals as I do and this would be a trip of a lifetime for me. Some students volunteer with VIDA and travel to Costa Rica or Nicaragua, which I did three years ago, and others will travel to Africa with World Vets. I chose volunteering for the Belize Wildlife and Referral Clinic because I wanted to reach out to the wildlife in need too! Click here to check out my campaign!
I can't wait to start my second year of vet school and continue on my journey. I love living on this island and take every day for what it's worth. I do miss a lot about home. It's tough being away from everyone and all that you know. So for those of you back home, do me a favor, eat some good home cooked food, have a lake day, go camping/fishing/hiking, go up north to the cabin and enjoy an ice cold summer shandy for me. You don't realize how much you appreciate the little things until you don't have them anymore.
Off to do island things like eat at lobster fest and stay away from mosquitoes :)
Much love from the rock <3

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Second semester update

Its been awhile since I've blogged so I figured half way through the semester would be the right time to post another one. So, here I am in second semester running another marathon...with school that is. They weren't kidding when they said second semester is rough. It certainly is tough to manage your time accurately enough to stay on track with every subject but in reality it's impossible to do so. Regardless, the semester is going well for me and it's a full time job around the clock studying all the time so you certainly appreciate the little things like going to bed early, being outside long enough to catch a tan, cooking a meal, and definitely finding the time to talk to family and friends back home. I'd be lying if I said I can wait until this semester is over.

So what's new? Well, I managed to fly Stormie down here with me in May and that was a joyride and a half in itself. There's no such airline that doesn't delay their flights or get you where you need to go on time. We finally made it back to the rock and settled in to my new apartment, which Stormie doesn't mind the ocean view every day and neither do I. A few weeks in to the semester my roommate took in a stray dog to help rehabilitate and foster until she is healthy enough to be a kennel dog at school. Her name is Dixie and to see her now from how she came to us weeks ago, it's hard to imagine she was just a bag of bones who couldn't even walk. Being hit by a car and injured with a lumbosacral subluxation, I couldn't believe this dog had enough strength to stay alive. After weeks of strict rest, a good diet, and really good pain meds, she is a happy pup back on all fours and mischievous as she could possibly be. It will be sad to send her off to the kennels but she will be a great dog for all the students to work with and she'll have her own happy ending in a new home once her time is up in the kennels.

I can't believe mid-semester break has already come and gone. Ben made his way down to the island for the long weekend and it was probably one of the best weekends I've had with him. Again, it's impossible for any airline to get you where you need to go on time without delays, so that's all I'll say about that. But, thanks again to the Guilfoil's for working their magic and getting him down here on time, seriously so grateful for them. I took Ben around campus and to my classes, even anatomy lab, and showed him what life at Ross is like. It didn't take him very long to make friends with everyone and before I know it he was off to Port with Jonathan drinking $0.99 beers. We continued the weekend with deep sea fishing, checking out the beaches on the peninsula, hiking Mt. Liamuiga, snorkeling at Shipwreck, and attempting to do an island tour on his last day here but my island car wasn't up for it so we took the bus instead and the buses here are the equivalent to playing Mario Kart so you pretty much just hang on and hope for the best that you don't slide off a cliff into the ocean. We ended our last night at Spice Mill where we had the best dinner ever watching the sunset on the beach. I wish so badly he didn't have to leave, it's hard enough the way it is being long distance from each other but I know without a doubt that we will make it through this because we have such an amazing relationship like no other. God certainly put Ben in my life at the right time, I never thought I would be so lucky to have someone like him.

Hell week is coming up which means three exams within one week. Yay. Then final exams are after that. Even more yay. Hopefully all goes smoothly and before we know it, we will be done with our first year of veterinary school!! August break won't be long enough, in fact I'm sure it too will fly by fast but I'll be ok with that because I won't be going home until Christmas which seems like forever away. I can't wait to be home, I miss everything about it!

Other than that nothing too exciting has happened this semester. Next time you hear from me will probably be after finals, if I haven't torn my hair out by then. Let's not forget 4th of July shenanigans next week :D Wooo 'Merica!!
Much love from the rock <3

Thursday, April 17, 2014

So long Douglas 204

Its been real first semester. Just like that in a blink of an eye finals have come and gone and I have one of seven semesters under my belt at Ross University. I didn't really believe people when they said time flies down here but it really does. It feels like just yesterday I was getting off the plane with a group of strangers not knowing they were soon to be my new family on this island. This semester definitely has had its ups and downs but for the most part it was one hell of a ride and I wouldn't have made it through without the wonderful friends I have made down here.

Catching up from last time, I participated in the Nevis to St. Kitts Channel Swim, no not as a swimmer, but as a kayaker with Chris. We were there to help support the swimmers who had to swim two miles in open water between the two islands. Definitely on my bucket list while I'm down here. I give major props to all the swimmers who made it across the rough waters and fought against the current. Also thanking God that Chris and I spotted two young kids who were swimming off course and couldn't find their way to the finish line, not sure what would've happened if we weren't there to guide them back but talk about being in the right place at the right time.

The last three weeks consisted of studying, studying, and more studying for finals. They were challenging but definitely nothing that I couldn't handle and weren't that bad at all. I'm ready for second semester to start though. I can't wait to move in to my new apartment. Not that the dorms were terrible...but they're not for everyone. It'll be nice to enjoy the ocean in my backyard every day. I hope the fishing is good too! Chris and I still have to fashion a way to set up my hammock...because you can't live on the beach without a hammock. It's also a huge relief to finalize everything with obtaining an import permit to bring Stormie down here. It's almost impossible to live without my pets down here. I'll see how it goes another semester without Skyy......

I am sponsoring a kennel dog. Angel is such a sweetheart and definitely gives me my dog fix that I need. It's crazy how animals can make you feel regardless the kind of day you're having but no matter what you're bound to leave happier than ever after playing or spending time with them. I'm so happy with life down here, I can't say that there's much I could complain about...other than finding a car in my price range. It's hard to wrap my mind around purchasing a $6000 car that is only worth $2000 in the US. So my search continues...but in the mean time I'll catch some waves with my new surfboard. ;) Dreams come true when you catch them!

I'm finally headed home tomorrow, bright and early. I have 5 hours to kill in Puerto Rico before I head home so that should be interesting to say the least. :) I don't know where to begin  when I get home, there's so much I miss and so much to do. My first stop will probably be Caribou Coffee and Target because you can't go to Target for just "one thing." I'm super excited to see everyone back home. Family, my boyfriend and his family, friends, co-workers, everyone! It's been too long and I can't wait to catch up with everyone.

So here's my farewell to Douglas 204. Thanks for the beautiful scenery every day looking out to the Caribbean and seeing cruise ships, fishermen, monkeys, and the occasional down pour. You were too good to me and I'm sorry for all those weekends that I dragged the beach back with me with all the sand that ended up on your floors or in my bed. Or that one day I tried....tried...making a cake for surgery club with using the toaster oven because it sounded easier said then done....the smoke eventually cleared but at least the rest of the hallway smelt good. Or that one time I thought my feta cheese container was closed and clearly it wasn't after I shook it and showered cheese everywhere....I never knew the difficulties in cleaning cheese up off the floor until then. And thanks for keeping the lights on after that one friday night I came home from the strip and barely made it to my bed before falling asleep. Or even the night after the paint took me a few days but I eventually scraped all the remnants of pant off the walls and from the drain in the shower. I'm sorry for killing off the ant family during my first week here but I really like my bananas and just couldn't take the infestation anymore....they'll be back soon I'm sure. Thanks for the memories Douglas.

So excited to be home tomorrow. I've been craving everything Minnesota...except for the snow. Crossing my fingers I bring the warm weather back with me. I need my adventures. I've sat inside studying for too many weeks now. Hiking, fishing, shooting my bow, drinking Summer Shandy and lots of driving are in store when I get home. I can't wait to hear country music again. It's going to be weird to listen to the radio and hear the "new" music that's playing. Off to enjoy my last few hours on the rock before jetting off to U.S soil. You done good first semester...

Much love from the Rock! <3<3<3

Friday, March 28, 2014

Countdown: 3 weeks

It's been awhile since I've wrote last but its been a busy semester for the most part. 3 more weeks from today I'll be on a flight home for a short break and nervously waiting for my grades to be posted I'm sure. Finals week is coming up and most of us have no idea where to begin, we're are a little scattered brain to say the least. I do like having these last few weeks off from midterms, it at least gives us all a jump start to catch up for finals.

I finally got back into a daily running routine. The hills on this island are killer. It's actually very peaceful around here waking up before the sunrise and going out for a run. Most of the time I run alongside with Kelley and we have our morning ritual of coaching each other to keep going but usually we have our "bitch fest" to get whatever we want off our chest or vent about anything. It can be quite comical to say the least. I'm not a gym rat so it's a huge relief to find trails around here to go running long distances...although I'm told it's not safe to run in the cane fields.
I'd hate to miss out on another sunrise overlooking town and Nevis in the background. :) Speaking of running, I finally ran my first hash a couple weeks ago. It was the St. Patty's day hash and it was a lot fun for the most until we had to "run" up the last hill which I could have climbed up faster had I brought climbing gear with me. I still don't know how most of us made it to the top but we ended with another gorgeous view of Basseterre to make up for it all.
If you don't know what hashing is, google "Hash House Harriers." 
I'm sure most people back home think all I do is party or go out or anything but study. The truth is, I obviously don't. Sure, there's the occasional Friday night at the strip to watch volleyball and take part in the happy hour special 3 beers for 10EC. 10EC is about $3.50 US. So tell me how you couldn't go out for a special like that?! Honestly though, vet students are constantly cramming information into their brains day after day, week after week, and you have to go out to clear your mind once in awhile before you will absolutely lose it. And by clearing your mind, I don't mean taking a Bary's shot. Only those who have been initiated at Bary's bar know what a Bary's shot is. 

I finally partook in a full moon stand up paddle boarding session. Chris and a few other classmates of mine joined in and it was definitely one of the most fun things I've done on the island yet. It's so peaceful paddling from one bay to the next on the Caribbean underneath all of the stars and brightest moon in the sky. At one point Chris and I were so far ahead of everyone we had to stop and slow down so we decided to lie on our backs on our boards and star gaze. I could have easily fallen asleep right then and there. It's certainly a bucket list thing for anyone to do while they are here on the island. 

Last weekend we decided to take a break before we start studying for finals so of course we spent the whole day at Shipwreck beach. Naturally, buckets of beer surrounded our beach chairs and we got our fill of blended drinks too. I went free diving for awhile looking for the biggest and best sand dollars and shells I could find. I came up with a huge conch shell at one point which made me want to keep looking for more. I swam upon this huge sand dollar and tried my hardest to dive for it when I only had one free hand but it was at that point I realized the current was taking me away out to the sea. And of course I was already exhausted from diving for I don't know how long  so it took me just as long to swim back to shore. You can't just swim right to shore either, the best way is to go diagonally with the shore so that you're not fighting with the current as much but I eventually made it. Like a jelly fish I could barely move my arms and legs and I eventually let the waves push me in closer to shore only to look down and see that I was surrounded by enormous sea anemones. At that point I'd rather step on one than drown. 

It's been a very eventful 1st semester here at RUSVM. I've gained the best family of friends and couldn't be happier to have them in my life. I seriously cannot wait to move off campus though. My new apartment is still in the process of finishing up but it has one of the most beautiful views for a backyard. 
 No that is not my apartment lol but I wouldn't mind driving the drunky monkey

It will be real tough to not fish out here every day but that's what study breaks are for right? 
Only 3 more weeks left and I'll be on a flight home. :) I can't wait to see everyone and of course to see my pets. I hope Stormie is ready to fly down with me on my return flight, it will be interesting to say the least. But remind me next time to never import/export a pet from a country. It is the most aggravating, time consuming, frustrating thing to do. It will totally be worth it to have her with me but seriously I don't know how people do it. I also can't wait to wrap my hands around an ice cold Summer Shandy. I wonder if Leinie's would ship to St. Kitts? I suppose I should get my butt to anatomy lab and get in gear for finals.

It's been real 1st semester. See ya soon Minnesnowta!
Much love from the rock <3

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Success is a journey, not a destination

We finally made it to mid-semester break! Time has been flying by down here. It seems just like yesterday I was packing my bags to move down to St. Kitts but here I am finally through with my first round of exams. Vet school is tough...well, it's more like a lot of information thrown at you that you must understand within a matter of days because before you know it, you're back in the LRC filling out your scantron. But when you put life on hold and study your brains out day after day and not just memorizing the information but understanding and utilizing the information, you're bound to ace your exams without breaking a sweat.

I woke up today hoping I was caught up on that thing called sleep but I'm a little glad I didn't. For how crazy life has been flying by the past few weeks, I can say I finally have time to stop and smell the roses...or a better case, stop and watch the sunrise.
There's never a dull sunrise or sunset here in St. Kitts, as long as you never forget to watch them. This weekends festivities consist of a catamaran trip from St. Kitts to Nevis. A full day on the sea, swimming, snorkeling, getting sunburned, making long-lasting memories, and drinking copious amounts of....caribbean kool-aid of course. It doesn't end there either. Saturday is the paint party. So, think of a light show, with a rocking DJ, and paint being splattered everywhere and on everyone. Oh yeah, and more caribbean kool-aid, can't forget that stuff. Hopefully Sunday morning I'll be recovered to take on a hike....but who am I kidding, I live to hike. It's about time to see St. Kitts from the top of the world. 

I'll keep this short and sweet. Vet school is going amazing, I love living here, the friends I've made are a blessing to say the least, yes I do miss home but I must not forget this is my new home for now. It's killing me not having my pets with me every day. The hardest part about coming home, going to bed, and waking up in the morning is without my fur kids being there. It will be a miracle for me to leave this island without rescuing a kittitian kitty or island retriever. 

To everyone back home, just remember if you can't start your car or find it buried underneath the snow consider yourself a snow day. 

Much love from the rock <3

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Vet School is like

A full time job. Literally. There's no time to take a break, you can't catch up on sleep or get any for that matter, and who knows what your next meal is going to be if you have time to make one. Honestly, it's not that bad. I absolutely enjoy it. My favorite thing about Vet School is learning so much I didn't know before but now I can apply it to real life and it all makes sense to me now. I managed to survive through my first exams, with the exception of one more next week, and have successfully aced them all. :):) It's a lot of keeping up to do with classes, late nights at the lab, and constantly reviewing previous lectures from before but it's possible to do and worth every second of it. Besides school itself, I couldn't be more happier with where I'm at in life. I love living here in St. Kitts, it's so beautiful here and there's so much to do. Every where you look you're reminded of paradise that you're living in. There's a never ending list of activities to do around here from snorkeling, to stand up paddle boarding, endless beaches, hiking, catamaran trips, and bellying up at all the beach bars. :) Beach fest, for example, was a blast in a glass. I tried stand up paddle boarding for the first time and I couldn't walk for a week straight. In all, it was one hell of a day from sun up to sun down with an open bar and an endless supply of Rum Punch. I get to look forward to that day at the beginning of each semester. Sorry liver and with that being said, sorry Dr. Reich.
Red Semester Class of 2017
It may seem all I do is go to the beach right? Wrong. On occasion us vet students manage to crawl out of our caves and make an appearance to the world but it doesn't happen every weekend as they mostly consist of catching up on the previous lectures or studying for an upcoming exam. But it doesn't hurt to study at a beach either ;) 
Or the Marriott Resort
I was very fortunate to have the opportunity to volunteer at the Joseph Wilder Memorial Scholarship fundraiser at Bamboo Lounge last weekend. We raised a lot of funds that night, danced our asses off to open mic night, and poured a lot of beer, all for a great cause. I met a lot of awesome people that night too. Dr. Nick Spaccarelli is one hell of a guy and certainly someone that everyone should meet. More info about the scholarship: 
Spreeti, Chris, and I managing the beer station
I love the friends I have made here. Always willing to help anyone in need, make you laugh, or just have a good time. It's only the beginning but I can't wait to make more memories down the road with everyone. Don't get me wrong, I do miss home, a lot. But it's hard to miss home when you're so busy all of the time and don't have time to think about it which is probably my only saving grace. I can't thank my dad and Ben enough for taking such great care of my pets and always sending me pictures of them or skyping with them. Words can't describe how much I miss them and I can't wait to see them again. It's crazy to think that I've only been here for a little over a month but it seems like a year. Time certainly flies by and its not wasted to say the least. I wish everyone could enjoy an experience like I have, it's totally worth it to travel in life or even just studying abroad somewhere. You have nothing to lose but maybe your luggage getting there. Every day in St. Kitts you wake up and are bound to see a beautiful sunrise, rainbow, or a sunset at night. 

I'm still searching for a trail to run on although, I learned in lab today to watch out for the bushes when running by them because you may get charged by a cow...........maybe the treadmills will suffice in the meantime. I miss you home but I'm loving life down here too much. Just never forget mi casa es su casa for those of you unlucky souls buried in snow back home ;) Back to the grind of studying for probably my hardest exam thus far this semester...I'll be sure to keep in touch from hell.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

It all comes down to this

It's finally here. The moment we've all been waiting for. We've worked our hearts out to get to this point and here we are. It's still so surreal that our first day of Veterinary school is tomorrow and to think I've never been more excited about the first day of school than this moment right now. My whole life I've dreamed about this day and yet, I'm sure just give me a few days and I'll be climbing the gates from hell screaming mercy. 

I've been on the island for only a week and yet I've gained a whole family, made friends with some locals, and know where some of the best beach spots are. Never once did I come down here thinking I won't need a car, or buy one for that matter, but I pretty much have a car in mind that I'll most likely invest in later in the semester. By no means is it a hip ride but it sure qualifies as a sweet hooptie! Our class was lucky enough to partake in a Catamaran trip on Saturday. We sailed to Shitten Bay.......Shitten..Bay. We snorkeled for about an hour and was really captivated by the life below the water. So many exotic species of fish, puffer fish was a cool one to see, sea urchins, and I even got to swam alongside a sea turtle. By far one of the most memorable moments since being here. Later in the evening we all joined together and celebrated the welcome back party at Shipwreck. I think happy hour is what did most of us that night but hey, it was one hell of a party. My legs are still on fiyah after gettin' down on the dance floor. Oh and Steve, next time don't tell the bartender "3 rounds of shots of whatever you wanna make" because that "whatever-he-made" almost ended up on your shoe. No worries though, I managed to take it like a champ. Lastly, sweet potato fries at Bopsy's at 1am hits the spot. 

Today was relaxing for the most part besides the never ending power outages that occur at the top of the hour. I was the lucky one who was in the middle of washing a load of laundry when the power went out so my clothes had a good soaking for about an hour. I can't complain too much, at least I wasn't the unlucky girl who was stuck in the elevator at the time. I would've dug through my groceries and ate my ice cream too so props to you girl for not freaking out. I printed off my bible of lecture slides and organized them neatly into folders like nerds do on the eve of first day of classes. I'm sure at some point all those lecture slides will be as scattered as my brain by mid semester. 

I ended my night with skyping my family back home. Seeing my boyfriend, my brother, my pets, and my dad trying to figure out his iPhone really made my night and no, Dad, yelling at Siri won't get you anywhere. It's hard to miss home when you're living in the moment and caught up in everything but when you give yourself just five minutes to stop and smell the roses it really hits you. And for some it hits hard. As excited and anxious as I am to start my journey in vet school tomorrow there's a side of me who is counting down the days to see my fur babies again. 

Tomorrow Red class begins their first step to becoming veterinarians. I'm sure we all will be running around like chickens with our heads cut off because seriously...where is the library again and how do we get to it? Do we bring this or that to class? Will there be a pop quiz? No joke. Our White Coat Ceremony is tomorrow after classes and it's where we pledge the Veterinary Student Oath and are handed our white coats. Hopefully my family back home manages to catch a glimpse of me via the live webcast and hopefully I'm not "that guy" that trips and falls or something. I can't even fathom the fact that it's really here. This is where our journey begins. Don't forget Rossies, veterinary medicine is not a sprint but a marathon and we have a long road ahead of us. 

Sadly, this may be one of the last blogs I will write for awhile. I'll do my best to keep you all updated on life here in St. Kitts but school is my number one priority. Keep warm Minnesnowtans, I'm only 100 degrees warmer than you. ;) 

Let's do this Rossies!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Here's to a New Year!

It's been quite a few days since I've posted a blog and so much has happened since then. For instance, Saturday morning at MIA was a crazy shit show: people's luggage was lost, some people had to re-check their luggage and pay extra, waited in line for I don't know like two hours just to get through security, and then having to take a train on the other side of town just to get to my gate. Planes, Trains, and Automobiles. It's a great movie if you've never seen it! Anyways, on the ride down I sat next to a couple who I found out was basically from my home town. Seriously, kind of crazy how that happened. They're from Independence while their daughter lives in Chanhassen, MN and for the last twelve years they have been living out the winter months in St. Kitts. I don't blame them. Negative twenties, thirties, whatever it was the last couple days back home, makes me feel a lot better knowing that I'm moving to a warmer climate with endless amounts of beaches, sunshine, sand, and rum.

The fly in to St. Kitts was absolutely beautiful. The water is so blue and you can see so far down into the sea.
RUSVM Campus
To re-cap on the last few days, besides orientation stuff, we went on an island tour and saw a lot of historical monuments, we drove through towns that were wealthy and some that were not, and we saw both sides of the island and the difference between the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean.
 Brim Stone Hill historical site
They have cannons pointing in every direction on the island for defense
Peninsula from St. Kitts to Nevis. Atlantic on the left, Caribbean on the right. 
Of course we spent time at the beach and enjoyed a few cocktails at one of the coolest beach bars I've seen. It's a fun place called Shipwreck and I've been told it's a place that I will venture to as often as I can. 

Tuesday morning we woke up early to attempt what is called the Bat Cave hike. Well, we managed to hike half of it. There's a rope to climb up steep rocks about half way through and it broke while we were there so it was obviously a bust and we couldn't keep going. The sights on the way were pretty cool though!
Bat Cave hike
New Year's Eve came up fast and it was weird for me to be ringing in the new year at a beach bar next to the sea. But I had my Ross family at my side, made friends with a few locals, and made some of the greatest memories. The strip is a fun joint in Frigate Bay, lots of music, drinks, and good vibes. By the end of the night we watched fireworks over the Sea and continued the party at a bonfire on the beach. 
Waking up this morning was a little rough but I managed to do so. And so I sit here and think about my life and how much it has changed within the last year. 2013 was one of the best years for me. Before that I was dealing with a rough patch in my life and really needed to change things in order to make myself a happier person and not let others continue to hurt me. So I moved forward with my life and had an open-minded attitude. I wanted to do things for myself for once and not always be the selfless person that I am. I welcomed 2013 with the idea that I will travel to my favorite places in the world, I will make new friends that no matter the distance will always be there for me, I will find love in a person who is willing to make me the happiest girl in the world and would never give up on us, and I will get in to Vet School. I managed to accomplish all of them this past year. It's crazy how fast a year can fly by but what's even crazier is that everyone has the ability to make a change whether it's in their life or someone else. Never give up on your dreams and never doubt yourself. I never expected I would be this happy with my life and it's only because I woke up one day and decided to change it. You really impressed me 2013, thank you for all the wonderful memories, friendships, and a blessed year that I'll never forget. Here's to a new life, new year, and new home in St. Kitts.

I'm off to the beaches....not that I don't have enough sand in my bed the way it is. 

Happy New Year everyone!