Friday, August 15, 2014

See ya second semester, hello third :)

I've officially completed my first year of veterinary school. I can't believe how fast the time has gone! No one was kidding when they said second semester is the worst semester of all. I'm not going to lie, it was the most intense semester I've ever had to go through in college. But I made it through and it wasn't impossible, just very challenging. I'm looking forward to third semester and having more time to catch up on life or anything for that matter outside of school. I feel like the last 4 months were nothing but a blur and all the days just blended together. It will be nice to have time to catch up with everyone from home and maybe actually see the sun for once...I know, that is possible down here. For now, my days will be spent at the beach somewhere on this island, relaxing, and without any plans so we'll see what kind of adventures i'll get myself into.
In April 2015 I will be traveling to Belize to participate in a Wildlife Conservation and Rehabilitation Course with fellow students in my class. I'm beyond excited to participate in this educational experience. I will be volunteering my time to the Belize Wildlife and Referral Clinic which is a non-profit animal hospital so any help from volunteers or the money they raise goes directly to helping and supporting local animals and wildlife in need. I'll have clinic days working hands on with current patients in the hospital and they could range from wildlife mammals (including primates), to reptiles, birds, and amphibians. I'll also get to participate in interactive labs where I'll get to assess radio graphs, perform necropsy's, blood work, or screen patients for parasites. Each student will also participate in the spay and neuter days practicing our surgery skills which is a huge aspect working towards our veterinary degree. This program helps to maintain the wildlife in Belize and since it is a non-profit organization I have started a campaign to help raise funds to support not only every patient that comes in to the clinic, or any patient that needs assistance out on the field, but it also helps support the people working to help rehabilitate the wildlife of Belize. I would be more than grateful to raise my goal amount or any amount beyond that. I'm very passionate about working with people who share the same love for animals as I do and this would be a trip of a lifetime for me. Some students volunteer with VIDA and travel to Costa Rica or Nicaragua, which I did three years ago, and others will travel to Africa with World Vets. I chose volunteering for the Belize Wildlife and Referral Clinic because I wanted to reach out to the wildlife in need too! Click here to check out my campaign!
I can't wait to start my second year of vet school and continue on my journey. I love living on this island and take every day for what it's worth. I do miss a lot about home. It's tough being away from everyone and all that you know. So for those of you back home, do me a favor, eat some good home cooked food, have a lake day, go camping/fishing/hiking, go up north to the cabin and enjoy an ice cold summer shandy for me. You don't realize how much you appreciate the little things until you don't have them anymore.
Off to do island things like eat at lobster fest and stay away from mosquitoes :)
Much love from the rock <3

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