Saturday, June 28, 2014

Second semester update

Its been awhile since I've blogged so I figured half way through the semester would be the right time to post another one. So, here I am in second semester running another marathon...with school that is. They weren't kidding when they said second semester is rough. It certainly is tough to manage your time accurately enough to stay on track with every subject but in reality it's impossible to do so. Regardless, the semester is going well for me and it's a full time job around the clock studying all the time so you certainly appreciate the little things like going to bed early, being outside long enough to catch a tan, cooking a meal, and definitely finding the time to talk to family and friends back home. I'd be lying if I said I can wait until this semester is over.

So what's new? Well, I managed to fly Stormie down here with me in May and that was a joyride and a half in itself. There's no such airline that doesn't delay their flights or get you where you need to go on time. We finally made it back to the rock and settled in to my new apartment, which Stormie doesn't mind the ocean view every day and neither do I. A few weeks in to the semester my roommate took in a stray dog to help rehabilitate and foster until she is healthy enough to be a kennel dog at school. Her name is Dixie and to see her now from how she came to us weeks ago, it's hard to imagine she was just a bag of bones who couldn't even walk. Being hit by a car and injured with a lumbosacral subluxation, I couldn't believe this dog had enough strength to stay alive. After weeks of strict rest, a good diet, and really good pain meds, she is a happy pup back on all fours and mischievous as she could possibly be. It will be sad to send her off to the kennels but she will be a great dog for all the students to work with and she'll have her own happy ending in a new home once her time is up in the kennels.

I can't believe mid-semester break has already come and gone. Ben made his way down to the island for the long weekend and it was probably one of the best weekends I've had with him. Again, it's impossible for any airline to get you where you need to go on time without delays, so that's all I'll say about that. But, thanks again to the Guilfoil's for working their magic and getting him down here on time, seriously so grateful for them. I took Ben around campus and to my classes, even anatomy lab, and showed him what life at Ross is like. It didn't take him very long to make friends with everyone and before I know it he was off to Port with Jonathan drinking $0.99 beers. We continued the weekend with deep sea fishing, checking out the beaches on the peninsula, hiking Mt. Liamuiga, snorkeling at Shipwreck, and attempting to do an island tour on his last day here but my island car wasn't up for it so we took the bus instead and the buses here are the equivalent to playing Mario Kart so you pretty much just hang on and hope for the best that you don't slide off a cliff into the ocean. We ended our last night at Spice Mill where we had the best dinner ever watching the sunset on the beach. I wish so badly he didn't have to leave, it's hard enough the way it is being long distance from each other but I know without a doubt that we will make it through this because we have such an amazing relationship like no other. God certainly put Ben in my life at the right time, I never thought I would be so lucky to have someone like him.

Hell week is coming up which means three exams within one week. Yay. Then final exams are after that. Even more yay. Hopefully all goes smoothly and before we know it, we will be done with our first year of veterinary school!! August break won't be long enough, in fact I'm sure it too will fly by fast but I'll be ok with that because I won't be going home until Christmas which seems like forever away. I can't wait to be home, I miss everything about it!

Other than that nothing too exciting has happened this semester. Next time you hear from me will probably be after finals, if I haven't torn my hair out by then. Let's not forget 4th of July shenanigans next week :D Wooo 'Merica!!
Much love from the rock <3