Thursday, February 6, 2014

Vet School is like

A full time job. Literally. There's no time to take a break, you can't catch up on sleep or get any for that matter, and who knows what your next meal is going to be if you have time to make one. Honestly, it's not that bad. I absolutely enjoy it. My favorite thing about Vet School is learning so much I didn't know before but now I can apply it to real life and it all makes sense to me now. I managed to survive through my first exams, with the exception of one more next week, and have successfully aced them all. :):) It's a lot of keeping up to do with classes, late nights at the lab, and constantly reviewing previous lectures from before but it's possible to do and worth every second of it. Besides school itself, I couldn't be more happier with where I'm at in life. I love living here in St. Kitts, it's so beautiful here and there's so much to do. Every where you look you're reminded of paradise that you're living in. There's a never ending list of activities to do around here from snorkeling, to stand up paddle boarding, endless beaches, hiking, catamaran trips, and bellying up at all the beach bars. :) Beach fest, for example, was a blast in a glass. I tried stand up paddle boarding for the first time and I couldn't walk for a week straight. In all, it was one hell of a day from sun up to sun down with an open bar and an endless supply of Rum Punch. I get to look forward to that day at the beginning of each semester. Sorry liver and with that being said, sorry Dr. Reich.
Red Semester Class of 2017
It may seem all I do is go to the beach right? Wrong. On occasion us vet students manage to crawl out of our caves and make an appearance to the world but it doesn't happen every weekend as they mostly consist of catching up on the previous lectures or studying for an upcoming exam. But it doesn't hurt to study at a beach either ;) 
Or the Marriott Resort
I was very fortunate to have the opportunity to volunteer at the Joseph Wilder Memorial Scholarship fundraiser at Bamboo Lounge last weekend. We raised a lot of funds that night, danced our asses off to open mic night, and poured a lot of beer, all for a great cause. I met a lot of awesome people that night too. Dr. Nick Spaccarelli is one hell of a guy and certainly someone that everyone should meet. More info about the scholarship: 
Spreeti, Chris, and I managing the beer station
I love the friends I have made here. Always willing to help anyone in need, make you laugh, or just have a good time. It's only the beginning but I can't wait to make more memories down the road with everyone. Don't get me wrong, I do miss home, a lot. But it's hard to miss home when you're so busy all of the time and don't have time to think about it which is probably my only saving grace. I can't thank my dad and Ben enough for taking such great care of my pets and always sending me pictures of them or skyping with them. Words can't describe how much I miss them and I can't wait to see them again. It's crazy to think that I've only been here for a little over a month but it seems like a year. Time certainly flies by and its not wasted to say the least. I wish everyone could enjoy an experience like I have, it's totally worth it to travel in life or even just studying abroad somewhere. You have nothing to lose but maybe your luggage getting there. Every day in St. Kitts you wake up and are bound to see a beautiful sunrise, rainbow, or a sunset at night. 

I'm still searching for a trail to run on although, I learned in lab today to watch out for the bushes when running by them because you may get charged by a cow...........maybe the treadmills will suffice in the meantime. I miss you home but I'm loving life down here too much. Just never forget mi casa es su casa for those of you unlucky souls buried in snow back home ;) Back to the grind of studying for probably my hardest exam thus far this semester...I'll be sure to keep in touch from hell.