Friday, December 20, 2013

Oh my God I'm going to Vet School

Well it finally hit me. I'm going to Vet School. Don't get me wrong, I've been excited about this since the day I found out I was accepted to the program but honestly I feel like I've been lost in a dream this whole time. I woke up this morning knowing that I only had one more week left here. One more week to get everything packed, spend time with family, my boyfriend, friends, and of course my pets. I went to work knowing this was my last Friday assisting with surgery, the last time monitoring patients, and the last time sterilizing surgery least for awhile that is. But what hit me the most was saying goodbye to some of my co-workers as Saturday is my official last day of work. I didn't think it would be hard for me but it was. I'm a sucker for crying and the second I see anyone else doing it, it's instant waterworks for me. I kept my cool and managed to not shed a tear, that is until I walked out the back door to my car and drove home. I still have one more shift to work and I'm already crying and that's only from saying goodbye to a couple people. They are like family to me no matter what. I've worked there for the last five and a half years but it seems like forever. Maybe it does because I've made some of the greatest friendships over the years but also because I've known some of the Doctors I've worked with since I was just a toddler and my whole life I've dreamed of becoming a veterinarian mostly because I looked up to them. Little did I know I would land a job at the Chanhassen Veterinary Clinic my freshman year of college working alongside the same veterinarians I shadowed when I was just a kid. I hope one day to be half the person that they are. Their compassion and professionalism towards an animal's health and well being is something that I carry deeply in my heart and I strive to fill the same shoes they once walked in. I know my last day will be bittersweet nonetheless and I can't wait for my going away celebration with my co-workers after work on Saturday. I had a going away party with my friends last week and it was a blast to say the least. I'm so lucky and so blessed to have some of the most amazing friends in my life who would go far and beyond planning a going away party for me. Many friends showed up, from those that I see on a regular basis to those that I haven't seen in years. It was exactly what I needed. I keep friendships near and dear to me and to see so many people that showed up to my party was so humbling to me. It meant so much to me to see everyone that words can't even begin to describe but I couldn't be any more thankful to have such wonderful, supportive, and loving friends in my life.

So yes, I'm going to vet school and I'm moving away. I have so much to look forward to in life, it's crazy to think about. God always has a plan for you and He had a funny way of planning my life. For as adventurous, daring, and outgoing as I am there was no way he was going to make my life easy. Spend four years earning my Bachelor's degree and spend another four earning my Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree at the U of MN? No way. I needed excitement, something new, somewhere far, and where I would find peace with where I ended up. I've always lived my life to the fullest and I never regret anything. Everything happens for a reason and what's meant to be will be. For some reason He didn't want to keep me here in MN, instead he wanted me to go travel to a distant place to pursue my dream. I worked hard, no, I worked damn hard to get to where I am now. I rarely give up on things that I set my heart to. I will try every reasoning under the sun before giving up on something and believe me I will not give up. It is a huge relief to finally say "I'm going to vet school." Imagine something you've looked forward to for the last 25 years; studied your brains out, losing out on sleep and the "good years" of college, shed blood, sweat, and tears getting there and finally...finally after working so hard your whole life you're there. I'm on cloud nine.

Seven days. That's all that I have left here until I begin my long journey. I can't wait to meet my new family in St. Kitts. Building long lasting relationships with fellow colleagues, professors, and who knows, maybe the bartenders at the bars on the strip...yeah, it's going to happen. Because if you know me well enough, I make friends from all over the world. I also can't wait to have visitors and explore the island life with me, of course though when I'm on break because believe me, I won't have time to wipe my own ass since I'll be studying my life away and will have a midterm every week. Yes, every week.

My last day of working at the Chan Vet is tomorrow. :( It's hard to grasp but I hope to be back some day, but with a higher title. ;)

Good news! My packages have arrived to the island. Huge relief!

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