Sunday, December 15, 2013

It all started with an idea

This is where it began, when I made the decision to apply to Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine. I was fed up with the overwhelming competition of applying to vet schools in the United States. It was one excuse after another: "Your grades are great but try getting a higher score on the GRE to boost your potential.", "You have a lot of experience working in the veterinary medical field but try working more with cattle or horses to help make you more competitive." The truth is, veterinary medicine is one of the most competitive fields to get into in America. It is actually easier to get into Med school than it is Vet school. With only 28 Veterinary schools in the United States and the majority of them holding a class size of 80-100 students, the chances of a student applying and getting accepted into a veterinary school is about 7-10%. I was growing impatient when I spent two summers studying every second for the GRE exam, obtaining a high score, and still didn't advance to a formal interview as part of the application process for vet school. So I researched different veterinary schools outside of the United States to look at option B. It sounded crazy to me at first, packing my life away, moving out of the country, studying veterinary medicine for a few years away from home, leaving everything known to me behind, and then I realized how amazing of an experience that would be. I came across Ross University in St. Kitts, West Indies. Where the heck is that? Well it's a small island in the Caribbean. That was enough for me to fill out my application right then and there. I had weird, crazy, nervous, and excited emotions when I sent my application in. I actually didn't tell many people at first, only a select few knew at the time. Time went by and I tried my best to not focus on the fact that I applied to a vet school out of the country for fear and excitement that I might get an interview. And then one day I received an e-mail from admissions congratulating me on getting an interview. I was at work that night and instantly went into shock, not saying a word to anyone. Then the mass texts to family and close friends were sent informing of my interview which was held in Denver, CO and was three days away. I frantically booked a flight after contemplating to myself that I could just drive myself there but thank God for the Guilfoil's who helped me fly via buddy pass. That same night I started studying Vet school interview questions up until the moment of. I was so nervous, I literally was sick to my stomach. But I nailed it. Two weeks later I was sitting in the Sitka airport on my way home after a memorable trip to Alaska with my boyfriend and I missed a phone call from the admissions office while going through security. I wasn't sure if I should call them back right away or when I get home but I worked my butt off so hard to get to this point I couldn't waste another second not knowing. As people were boarding the plane I made the call to the admissions office and spoke to my advisor who interviewed me. Without any further ado I heard the words "Congratulations Heather, you've been accepted to our Veterinary Medicine program!" And the shower of tears fell from my eyes. I ran to my boyfriend and jumped in his arms squealing of joy informing him of my acceptance. It was one of the best days of my life. I've wanted to be a veterinarian since the day I was born and regardless of the competition, intense coursework, and going through the process of reapplying I wasn't going to give up on my dream. Sadly, a lot of students will especially after their first semester of undergraduate school. I was determined to get in no matter what and that day in Sitka, Alaska my dreams came true. It was only a matter of time before my family and friends heard of my exciting news and so did the questions of "Where is St. Kitts?", "Why did you apply there instead of here?", "You're moving away?" "What about your pets?", "What's going to happen between you and Ben?" Some people think I'm crazy for going to school there and others envy me. I couldn't be happier for myself to start this new chapter in my life and finally begin my dreams of becoming a veterinarian. I've waited my whole life for this moment. But believe me when I say I won't be living the luxury life. Obtaining a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree is more intensive than you think. I'll be working my heart out to do what I love and am passionate about but it's not about puppies and kitties all day. We aren't in it for the money contrary to popular belief, instead we strive to provide your loving pets with the most professional care as if they were our own only to deal with some pet owners who think we aren't doctors, we don't know anything, and only want their money. It's very stressful nonetheless but we still love our profession regardless. This is the life that I chose for myself and I couldn't be more excited for it. So here's to the late nights of not sleeping, eating, knowing what day it is, or showering for that matter. And so it begins, packing my life away into two suitcases.

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