Thursday, April 17, 2014

So long Douglas 204

Its been real first semester. Just like that in a blink of an eye finals have come and gone and I have one of seven semesters under my belt at Ross University. I didn't really believe people when they said time flies down here but it really does. It feels like just yesterday I was getting off the plane with a group of strangers not knowing they were soon to be my new family on this island. This semester definitely has had its ups and downs but for the most part it was one hell of a ride and I wouldn't have made it through without the wonderful friends I have made down here.

Catching up from last time, I participated in the Nevis to St. Kitts Channel Swim, no not as a swimmer, but as a kayaker with Chris. We were there to help support the swimmers who had to swim two miles in open water between the two islands. Definitely on my bucket list while I'm down here. I give major props to all the swimmers who made it across the rough waters and fought against the current. Also thanking God that Chris and I spotted two young kids who were swimming off course and couldn't find their way to the finish line, not sure what would've happened if we weren't there to guide them back but talk about being in the right place at the right time.

The last three weeks consisted of studying, studying, and more studying for finals. They were challenging but definitely nothing that I couldn't handle and weren't that bad at all. I'm ready for second semester to start though. I can't wait to move in to my new apartment. Not that the dorms were terrible...but they're not for everyone. It'll be nice to enjoy the ocean in my backyard every day. I hope the fishing is good too! Chris and I still have to fashion a way to set up my hammock...because you can't live on the beach without a hammock. It's also a huge relief to finalize everything with obtaining an import permit to bring Stormie down here. It's almost impossible to live without my pets down here. I'll see how it goes another semester without Skyy......

I am sponsoring a kennel dog. Angel is such a sweetheart and definitely gives me my dog fix that I need. It's crazy how animals can make you feel regardless the kind of day you're having but no matter what you're bound to leave happier than ever after playing or spending time with them. I'm so happy with life down here, I can't say that there's much I could complain about...other than finding a car in my price range. It's hard to wrap my mind around purchasing a $6000 car that is only worth $2000 in the US. So my search continues...but in the mean time I'll catch some waves with my new surfboard. ;) Dreams come true when you catch them!

I'm finally headed home tomorrow, bright and early. I have 5 hours to kill in Puerto Rico before I head home so that should be interesting to say the least. :) I don't know where to begin  when I get home, there's so much I miss and so much to do. My first stop will probably be Caribou Coffee and Target because you can't go to Target for just "one thing." I'm super excited to see everyone back home. Family, my boyfriend and his family, friends, co-workers, everyone! It's been too long and I can't wait to catch up with everyone.

So here's my farewell to Douglas 204. Thanks for the beautiful scenery every day looking out to the Caribbean and seeing cruise ships, fishermen, monkeys, and the occasional down pour. You were too good to me and I'm sorry for all those weekends that I dragged the beach back with me with all the sand that ended up on your floors or in my bed. Or that one day I tried....tried...making a cake for surgery club with using the toaster oven because it sounded easier said then done....the smoke eventually cleared but at least the rest of the hallway smelt good. Or that one time I thought my feta cheese container was closed and clearly it wasn't after I shook it and showered cheese everywhere....I never knew the difficulties in cleaning cheese up off the floor until then. And thanks for keeping the lights on after that one friday night I came home from the strip and barely made it to my bed before falling asleep. Or even the night after the paint took me a few days but I eventually scraped all the remnants of pant off the walls and from the drain in the shower. I'm sorry for killing off the ant family during my first week here but I really like my bananas and just couldn't take the infestation anymore....they'll be back soon I'm sure. Thanks for the memories Douglas.

So excited to be home tomorrow. I've been craving everything Minnesota...except for the snow. Crossing my fingers I bring the warm weather back with me. I need my adventures. I've sat inside studying for too many weeks now. Hiking, fishing, shooting my bow, drinking Summer Shandy and lots of driving are in store when I get home. I can't wait to hear country music again. It's going to be weird to listen to the radio and hear the "new" music that's playing. Off to enjoy my last few hours on the rock before jetting off to U.S soil. You done good first semester...

Much love from the Rock! <3<3<3