Friday, March 28, 2014

Countdown: 3 weeks

It's been awhile since I've wrote last but its been a busy semester for the most part. 3 more weeks from today I'll be on a flight home for a short break and nervously waiting for my grades to be posted I'm sure. Finals week is coming up and most of us have no idea where to begin, we're are a little scattered brain to say the least. I do like having these last few weeks off from midterms, it at least gives us all a jump start to catch up for finals.

I finally got back into a daily running routine. The hills on this island are killer. It's actually very peaceful around here waking up before the sunrise and going out for a run. Most of the time I run alongside with Kelley and we have our morning ritual of coaching each other to keep going but usually we have our "bitch fest" to get whatever we want off our chest or vent about anything. It can be quite comical to say the least. I'm not a gym rat so it's a huge relief to find trails around here to go running long distances...although I'm told it's not safe to run in the cane fields.
I'd hate to miss out on another sunrise overlooking town and Nevis in the background. :) Speaking of running, I finally ran my first hash a couple weeks ago. It was the St. Patty's day hash and it was a lot fun for the most until we had to "run" up the last hill which I could have climbed up faster had I brought climbing gear with me. I still don't know how most of us made it to the top but we ended with another gorgeous view of Basseterre to make up for it all.
If you don't know what hashing is, google "Hash House Harriers." 
I'm sure most people back home think all I do is party or go out or anything but study. The truth is, I obviously don't. Sure, there's the occasional Friday night at the strip to watch volleyball and take part in the happy hour special 3 beers for 10EC. 10EC is about $3.50 US. So tell me how you couldn't go out for a special like that?! Honestly though, vet students are constantly cramming information into their brains day after day, week after week, and you have to go out to clear your mind once in awhile before you will absolutely lose it. And by clearing your mind, I don't mean taking a Bary's shot. Only those who have been initiated at Bary's bar know what a Bary's shot is. 

I finally partook in a full moon stand up paddle boarding session. Chris and a few other classmates of mine joined in and it was definitely one of the most fun things I've done on the island yet. It's so peaceful paddling from one bay to the next on the Caribbean underneath all of the stars and brightest moon in the sky. At one point Chris and I were so far ahead of everyone we had to stop and slow down so we decided to lie on our backs on our boards and star gaze. I could have easily fallen asleep right then and there. It's certainly a bucket list thing for anyone to do while they are here on the island. 

Last weekend we decided to take a break before we start studying for finals so of course we spent the whole day at Shipwreck beach. Naturally, buckets of beer surrounded our beach chairs and we got our fill of blended drinks too. I went free diving for awhile looking for the biggest and best sand dollars and shells I could find. I came up with a huge conch shell at one point which made me want to keep looking for more. I swam upon this huge sand dollar and tried my hardest to dive for it when I only had one free hand but it was at that point I realized the current was taking me away out to the sea. And of course I was already exhausted from diving for I don't know how long  so it took me just as long to swim back to shore. You can't just swim right to shore either, the best way is to go diagonally with the shore so that you're not fighting with the current as much but I eventually made it. Like a jelly fish I could barely move my arms and legs and I eventually let the waves push me in closer to shore only to look down and see that I was surrounded by enormous sea anemones. At that point I'd rather step on one than drown. 

It's been a very eventful 1st semester here at RUSVM. I've gained the best family of friends and couldn't be happier to have them in my life. I seriously cannot wait to move off campus though. My new apartment is still in the process of finishing up but it has one of the most beautiful views for a backyard. 
 No that is not my apartment lol but I wouldn't mind driving the drunky monkey

It will be real tough to not fish out here every day but that's what study breaks are for right? 
Only 3 more weeks left and I'll be on a flight home. :) I can't wait to see everyone and of course to see my pets. I hope Stormie is ready to fly down with me on my return flight, it will be interesting to say the least. But remind me next time to never import/export a pet from a country. It is the most aggravating, time consuming, frustrating thing to do. It will totally be worth it to have her with me but seriously I don't know how people do it. I also can't wait to wrap my hands around an ice cold Summer Shandy. I wonder if Leinie's would ship to St. Kitts? I suppose I should get my butt to anatomy lab and get in gear for finals.

It's been real 1st semester. See ya soon Minnesnowta!
Much love from the rock <3